Need held administering uniform shirts!!!

We are a manufacturing company with 300 warehouse employees, the owners recently decided to provide uniform shirts to all warehouse employees, we gave 6 shirts to every employee, employees must wear shirts every day and EE's are responsible to wash their shirts. Is anybody currently doing this? and how do you adminiter when is time to re-issue new shirts due to normal wear and tear?.

thanks in advance.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We don't do this...but my sister-in-law works for McD's and they provide her with 2 full uniforms and will replace the parts of those uniforms at no cost to her, as needed...BUT she must pay for any additional uniforms.

    and, of course, she is responsible for washing the uniforms.

  • We are a manufacturing company as well and provide uniforms to our employees through a uniform company. When our employees need new shirts due to normal wear and tear the uniform company replaces the worn items. If you are not working with a uniform service you may want to consider doing so.
  • DITTO, we have a uniform service company that provides those interested in wearing uniforms with a set of pant, shirt, insulated jacket for a base set-up price which the company paid (about $150.00). The employee is issued the 11 sets and we deduct 50% of the rental fee from the employees weekly pay check. The employee has the option to have the uniform company clean the uniforms or to wash and dry the uniforms for their person. They still must pay the weekly fee. My spouse washes, drys, and hangs up the uniforms, no ironing required. I still pay $5.00 a week for the leasing fee & service. Some of our employees have a difficult time getting their dirty uniforms into the pick-up point on time. Additionally, some of them have a difficult time with keeping in touch with their inventory. When the ee departs our employment all uniform items must be turned in prior to picking up their last check. We can not complete the final check with out knowing if he/she has lost a item each cost $20.00 as a replacement cost. The uniform company will decrease this cost some for the number of years the uniform has been in use. Even at $5.00 a week it is still a good deal because I am not wearing out my clothes. $260.00 a year is my cost for 22 items of uniforms worth $20.00 each or $440.00 a year. Yea, the uniform company is making money, but my spouse does not have to iron them. The companies cost is also $5.00 a week for my uniforms. It is money well spent! When one is a mechanic, one would have a much larger laundry expense. As long as, we don't destroy the uniform piece the uniform company will replace fair wear and tear pieces at no additional cost.


  • Be sure to check state law - we can't charge employees for uniforms in Calif. Class action at Abercrombie & Fitch for requiring employees to only wear A&F clothing at their own cost.
  • We are a road construction company and we too provide 6 shirts to each of our crewmembers. There are a few positions (foremen, mechanics and a couple of the operating positions) that use a uniform service - we do not charge them for this service.

    In answer to your question we provide 6 new shirts at the start of every season. Like you, they are required to wear their shirts every day so the shirt's lifespan is approximately one season.
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