Reduced hours what other option are there?

We have an ee on a reduced schedule along with 2 others due to that dept. does not have enough work to keep them busy for 8 hrs a day 5 days a wk. 2 of them are doing fine with reduced schedule no leisure time. 1 ee seems to be able to complete their job within 4hrs then go to others to chat or talk on phone personal calls or internet for the remaining time. All were reduced to 32.5hrs a week. We are thinking of either reducing her wage $$ exceed any other in this position but was offered at time desparate for personnel or reducing this ee's hours to 25hrs per wk. I know we can do this but is it better to term / layoff rather than this. We are trying to make it a part time position rather than term. If we were to fill this position in future it will be a part time position.

Any advise is appreciated.



  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If I unraveled your message correctly it looks like you have a couple of issues intertwined. Is the EE in question just a better, faster worker than the other two? If so, it would be a shame to discipline her for being a better producer, however, it is also not acceptable to allow her to disrupt others and do a bunch of personal business while being on the clock.

    I don't know what the other two are doing, but perhaps you can get all three jobs done by two people and completely eliminate one of the positions?
  • She is a fast worker but not always efficient. She hurries to much and does not check her work prior to updating causing in and out effect. She has been written up and verbally warned about checking her work prior to updating.

    Each of the 3 people have specific duties only the 2 others would be able to combine duties still leaving us with this ee having the extra time.

    Today she came to see me to complain about her supervisor and that she feels "singled out". She is aware others are on reduced schedule. I informed her that her current duties do not fill an 8hr day and that all other depts are running efficiently without exceeding 40hrs. It was either offer the reduced schedule or lay off someone. We opted to the reduced schedule.

    She is also upset because her supervisor is "following her". Her supervisor came in early this morning and notice the ee in the lunch room preparing a meal 15mins after her start time, she asked if this was her break the ee replied no she was just making something to take to her desk. The supervisor went to her station 30 min. later and notice she was eating the same meal. Then the ee notified the supervisor at her schedule break time that she was taking her break.

    The supervisor has notified me several times that this ee spends the first 1/2hr making /eating her breakfast by an ee who is in the same station. The supervisor has also come in early numerous times and surprised the ee in the lunch room.

    How would you handle this?

  • I would begin by writing her up for these transgressions, build the documentation and fire her if she did not meet expectations. The supervisor has allowed this to go on with tacit approval because he has not disciplined her for these many infractions.

    Sounds like the supervisor needs to be written up also for not managing this EE.
  • I'm assuming these are non-exempt employees? In California, you'd have a problem with the reduced schedule due to lack of work for exempt employees.
  • That's correct they are non-exempt ee's.
  • I agree there needs to be more structure to our discipline system. This is not the only supervisor who has a problem writing up an ee for not following company policies.

    Unfortunately I am only one person and no matter how many times I tell them document, document, document, they say they have no time or They will talk with the ee. I'd say, did you notate the conversation, response NO.

    I am surprise I still have hair on my head.x:'(

    Thanks for letting me vent.

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