Salary - Not really a notice

I have an salary employee that's told his manager he is not happy in his job and he is looking for another one. He is in a position that we can't do without. Can we ask him to give us a date as to when he will be leaving so we can start to prepare to fine someone to train for his position? If we start looking and find someone and he's still what can we do?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I would ask for a letter of resignation from this employee so that you can proceed with recruitment.
  • Depending on your particular situation and how seriously you view his remarks, you could always run a line ad in the paper rather inexpensively and at least have a handful of resumes in the pipeline. Then if he quit, you'd at least be that far along in the process. And if he did not, you would only have spent a few bucks.

    Also depending on the culture of the company how you feel about him getting unemployment and whether or not he might be able to file an eeoc charge, you can certainly cut him loose and wish him well and begin a search.

    Or anything in between the two alternatives given above.
  • Have you asked the employee why he is unhappy with his job. Maybe there is something the company or his manager can do to correct the problem and you won't have to look for another employee at all. I would want to find out what the problem was before I hired someone else and maybe had the same problem.
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