
Can you have an administrative assistant ( hourly employee) reporting to another administrative assistant ( salary employee)?


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Yes. Can you give some details as to why you're asking this question? I'm afraid I don't understand why you would question it. Thanks x:-)
  • Sorry. Reason's classified. x;-)
  • I agree with mwild. Perhaps the question is being asked because of the similar titles? In my experience, administrative assistants have reported to other administrative assistants, even though they are not usually called the same title. Both of these positions are those that have many different names depending on the company. For example, Admin Assist. I, II and III or Senior Admin Assist versus Admin Assist or Junior Admin Assist.
  • Okay, after my flippant response above I'll actually toss in something useful. One large company I worked for had both salaried and hourly AA's but the more senior had the supervisory responsibilities. Just to keep the confusion to a minimum, we titled the supervisory AAs "Executive Assistant" and the hourlies "Administrative Assistant." We later changed the hourlies' titles to "Administrative Coordinator."
  • I agree with the above. We too have had AA's reporting to another AA but their titles were different. Seems we once had a "Lead AA" which was still hourly also, but had some input on the evaluations and scheduling but primalry due to more experience was there to help with the day to day problmes that can come up. However, in this case, final authority still rested in the Lead AA's Supervisor, as to hiring, terminations, etc.
    Good Luck,
  • JOHANNA 1: I wonder, does your company really have a clear understanding and an assessment of the positions TITLED ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT AND EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT? The unit of measurements for these titles come with some well defined words. Regulation PART 541, 541.1 and 541.2 are the paragraphs and words that will tell you if the positions are truly meeting the criteria for been EXECUTIVE AND AA. If one is truly supervising otherS, 2 OR MORE, then this position could be titled CORRECTLY and EXEMPT from O/T and salaried. I would look closely of the other AAs for the independent, and decision making activities where 80 % of the time worked is doing mental rather than physical activities. Have the ee sitting in the position give you a task list of activities performed in a typical 8 hour day.

    Good luck.

  • >JOHANNA 1: I wonder, does your company really
    >have a clear understanding and an assessment of
    >measurements for these titles come with some
    >well defined words. Regulation PART 541, 541.1
    >and 541.2 are the paragraphs and words that will
    >tell you if the positions are truly meeting the
    >criteria for been EXECUTIVE AND AA. If one is
    >truly supervising otherS, 2 OR MORE, then this
    >position could be titled CORRECTLY and EXEMPT
    >from O/T and salaried. I would look closely of
    >the other AAs for the independent, and decision
    >making activities where 80 % of the time worked
    >is doing mental rather than physical activities.
    > Have the ee sitting in the position give you a
    >task list of activities performed in a typical 8
    >hour day.
    >Good luck.

    GONG!!!!!!!!!! One good turn deserves another, Porker. The question was not as to the proper classification, but rather, to the assignment of supervisory duties.

    You've managed to completely convolute the topic. Are you sure you're not on the campaign trail :)


  • GENE: WHILE I APPRECIATE YOUR CONCERNS FOR MY THOUGHTS ON THE SUBJECT, IT JUST SO HAPPENS THAT MY ABILITY TO READ AND THINK AT TIMES IS OUT SIDE OF THE BOX OF MOST VERY CONSERVATIVE HRs. I fully understood the question, thus my reason for starting my post with "I wonder". The basic question of salary verses wages led me to the extreme ranges of EXEMPT VS NON-EXEMPT; with out a clear belief that the classifications are correct, one can not come to the answer of yes one can be a supervisor and one can be a follower. Now do your reading on EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT & AA, JUMP THEN TO THE DEFINING WORDS OF BOTH AND WALA! There just might be no justification for AA position verses a Secretary. AAs must have greater responsibility and strong reporting chain to very senior members!

    convoluted I do not agree. But now PORK as the other white meat is very good prepared many different methods. EAT MORE PORK!!!
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