Cell Phones - Picture Capablity

Love the lastest technology but can think of many ways of how it can impact the workplace.

Is anyone taking any action about the use or non-use of cell phones with picture taking capabilities in the workplace?


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • This was a question on another HR bulletin board and several HR professionals who work in mfg areas stated they had already modified some of their policies to incorporate a ban on picture cell phones while in the work place. Some reported instances of picture cell phones in the bathroom 8-| , and also concern of espionage (taking pics of protected products/processes).

    I don't work in a mfg environment so I hadn't considered the implications, but sounds like something that employers need to start addressing!
  • We have rules in place about the uses of cell phones in the workplace (the short version of which is "Don't). For those ees who are supplied cell phones by the company, the company is intentionally behind the times (the phones don't have picture taking capabilities). However, we recognize that at some point we will have to deal with the issue.
    Oh, for the good old days, when we discussed web access for the few with computers.
  • We're in healthcare/human services. All our supervisors who work directly with clients carry cell phones. About 6 - 8 months, I modified our technology policy and banned camera cell phones, since the possibilities of what could be done with them...well, we don't even want to go there.

    However, I'm getting complaints about the policy & its also getting harder & harder to get one that doesn't have camera/video on it - all the great specials running now are on the camera phones. Not to mention that now the palms/pda's also have camera/video capability. In retrospect, banning them wasn't a very workable solution. So I'll have to address it again in another way...don't know how yet.

    I read of one high tech company that required employees put black electrical tape over the camera lens while at work. I really don't want to police cell phones......

  • I don't expect that we will be changing our cell phone policy to prohibit picture phones anytime soon - so much of what our project managers and others do requires picture-taking of some form or another, and presently they use digital cameras for the task - but I did find it interesting to note that the Air Force has banned such cell phones from duty areas. In the private sector, I see lots of opportunity for abuse and I'm sure we will ultimately have to develop a policy which prohibits photographing individuals without their knowledge or permission (although how it can be enforced short of having everyone turn in their phone at the end of the day so the contents can be downloaded, I don't know).
  • Phones-schmones. What ya really got to worry about are those spy cameras that look like pens..... 8-}

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