If an ee is out on FMLA leave and the leave expires. How much notice must the employee give the ee that their health insurance coverage is ending and they are eligible for COBRA? 15 days notice?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You have 14 days from the date the insurance ends because of a qualifying event to give the notice.
  • NJJEL: In our letter of approval of the application based on physician certification, we lay out from the start the sunset date for re-entry into the work force after the physician has also certified the ee' release. Should it come to pass, the ee has not returned by that day a termination action will take place. COBRA WORDS are then provided in a seperate paragraph. Therefore, an ee has already been notifyied of the COBRA coverage and their need to respond.

    THE COBRA DOCUMENTATION goes out by certified receipt return US Mail on the next day, that the termination action is effected. Who cares then whether it is 1, 10, 14, 30 or 45 days you have the issue covered.

    Have a Blessed week-end!

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