
Hello all, I've been a silent member for a long time and have deeply appreciated the wealth of knowledge I've found here. Now I have a question for you. I had a very angry ex ee demand a copy of his W2 from 1986. I dont have any idea where w2's from 1986 would be and neither does the accounting dept. How many years do I need to keep returned W2's?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-21-04 AT 11:26AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Since the item is approx 18yrs old you the employer are only responsible for keeping company records for 4yrs according to IRS. So this ex ee does not have any recourse with you they should contact the IRS for the information they I believe keep them longer.
  • That is a fairly bizarre demand. You are not required to keep them that long. The EE can contact the IRS and fill out a form to request the back copies, but even they might not have something that old. I bet they have the info stored somewhere, but expect some delay before they come up with it.

    This EE is on her/his own. The anger this EE is displaying is inappropriate.
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