Mandatory Meeting

Can a Employer schedule a mandatory meeting for their staff, and as long as they pay overtime, are the employees required to come. Can they make a mandatory meeting, and where can I find something supporting it as for as not breaking any labor laws.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • An employer can require attendance by nonexempt employees at a meeting. Whether or not you have to pay overtime depends upon how many hours they've already worked in that payroll week. Just because it's a meeting doesn't mean you can't pay them straight time if they're not yet entitled to overtime. I don't know if you'll find anything in writing that specifically says an employer can make a "mandatory meeting." It's just an accepted fact of the employer-employee relationship, provided the employer plays by the rules and pays the employee.
  • Why restrict this to non-exempt employees? An employer can require attendance at a work function outside normal working hours for any of its employees. If those in attendance include non-exempts, the issue of OT may or may not be a consideration. If employees choose not to attend, the employer has a discipline issue to consider. The law doesn't address an employer's right to have such a meeting; only the employer's obligation to pay employees if it is a mandatory one and consider the time as 'time worked' for purposes of the Wage/Hour regulations.
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