Steel Toe Shoes

We currently require all factory employees, as well as production supervisors, to wear steel toe shoes. I have been informed by one of my supervisors that some companies are getting away from mandating the wearing of these shoes due to the potential of the toes being sheared off should something fall on the foot. Has anyone else heard of this?


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Isn't that what the steel toe is supposed to avoid? I've never heard of that. Is there anyway you can check with a boot manufacturer to see if this is a legit claim or an attempt from employees to not have to pay extra for steel-toes?
  • The only way for toes to be sheared off would be for something of TREMENDOUS weight to fall on the foot. It can happen but usually does not. Steel toed shoes (or plastic toe caps) are designed to protect the foot against crush type injuries associated with material handling of heavy object, using skid steers etc. The reason they are required is due to the Personal Protective Equipment Hazard analysis that was done along the way.
    If you cannot find your ppe hazard assessment or would like another one done, and do not feel competent to do it your insurance carrier would help you, or the state division of occupational safety would.
    Tell the supervisor thank you for your input, and that you will check into it. BUt don't waste a lot of time.
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • Haven't heard it. I would check out your state reg's on safety laws/issues & see if they're required by the state - if they are, then continue with the practice.
  • Balloonman is right on about the PPE analysis required by OSHA. It is from that analysis that a company decides what personal protective equipment is mandated in the work environment, not something a supervisor said he heard. Additionally, I think the information he provided is unreliable and conjecture. It can also be said that steel toed shoes should not be required since, if an airplane is heading toward your building, the personnel in the heavier shoes cannot run as fast as they might without them.
  • lindas: I highly recommend you redo the safety hazard assessment or have your insurance carrier provide you with the guidance necessary to determine the need for an across board declaration that all ees must wear steel toe boots; I bet you are also having all to wear head protection. Once you survey the need for over head protection from dropping objects on to the head and, likewise, protection for dropping objects on one's feet, you'll come to realize the company has spent a lot of money on PPE which for everyone is not required nor necessary. Specific areas may need entrance zones declared and marked for everyone entering this ZONE MUST HAVE HEAD AND FEET PROTECTION! OR anyone working in this job must have PPE. Your OSHA counsultant will be glad to help you understand your need and the specific requirement. You can also go on line and get OSHA written guidance on these items. There is always a risk factor and common sense that will be applied; in your case someone may have over stretched the risk. We used to have a mandatory requirement for hearing protection for every one working in X locations. We spent alot of money in the purchase of hearing plugs and the issuance of same and the destruction of same after use. After getting a professional crew in to check the hearing danger, we found there was no danger and we now offer ear plugs to those that want them. 90% do not use the ear plugs for the 15 minutes in the morning when 4000 hogs are screaming to be feed, and right now! After being feed, the noise level is peaceful and no danger to anyone even this old "TANK COMMANDER" that can hear anything. BE an HRHero and get the assessment done and you'll get pats on the back from both sides of the coin; you save money for the company and raise the employee morale because they may be relieved of the necessity.

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