NC awards Claimant that fails to show up for work

A person went to the NC ESC looking for work, identifies us as an employer.
We interviewed, we did background check, and person is approved.
We offer the job, requesting that the person comes in to complete the paper work prior to starting so that they may review their responsiblities. The job is aprox 20 miles from their home at a starting rate of $7.00. and the person is fully qualified to perform work as a garment sewer, since she is an upholstery sewer.
Person did not show to complete paper work nor did she appear for work.
Then, person filed for unemployment benefits.
NC Adjudicator officer and Hearing officer both ruled that claimant is "not disqualified for unemployment benefits". It was concluded that the job that was offered was not suitable for claimant.
(The unemployment rate in Piedmont (Foothills) is over 13%. Businesses are closing! Why?)
My QUESTION: Why should the company be penalized for offering job to an applicant and the appliant does not show up for work?
Ron Renchard


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