Liability Training
Craig B
24 Posts
How do you handle your annual sexual harassment training and labor law training? We normally spend a day going over this but it seems like it could be done more effeciently and have the same impact.
Included on my project list for 2004 is to create a similar training session for mgrs regarding FMLA, ADA and other employment legislation. During this session I intend to provide an overview to the laws and review the mgr's responsibility. I don't intend for this training to be longer than an hour.
Concurrently, we'll be creating a Policy & Procedure Manual for supervisors which will include hand-out material from these sessions, processes for how to deal with different employment situations, etc. This will serve as an ongoing reference tool for mgrs and preclude the need for any kind of 8-hour training session.
Bottom line is that I agree with you - an 8-hour training session is tough for the audience to maintain their attention and focus. Good luck in your redesign efforts!
The questions:
1. Does the (insert company name here) have a harassment policy? Yes No
2. Do you know it is your responsibility to ask questions about any part of this policy and procedure that you do not understand? Yes No
3. Did you attend a company sponsored training regarding harassment? Yes No
If anyone answers no, retake the test until they do. I don't know what I would do if someone continually fails the test. I suppose they keep watching the power point until they get it, but some would probably prefer that over work!