Job openings

Here's a situation in my not-for-profit, social service organization that needs fine tuning and I was hoping I could get some input: When a job opens up, there are several places where we can post this job: (1) Advertise in the newspaper; (2) Post on our website; (3) send out job announcements to a number of like-agencies, schools, etc; (4) post internally. Many times we do not advertise in the paper due to the high cost, but we post on our website and we get good response. Sometimes we do all four ways.

We employ full and part time staff, as well as "consultants" who are not on the payroll. These consultants receive 1099's at the end of the year.

Many times we will only post the job internally because we know there are some internal candidates who can move into that position. The question is: Are the consultants eligible to apply?

Sorry for the length of the question


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You're free to use whatever means you like, unless you are covered by the requirements of exec. order 11247 (government contractors). If you want to do what you propose, I would advise you to write your policy and procedure and state something like: "Our recruitment procedures also include internal announcements. When jobs are posted internally, the application period is open to current employees and independent contractors performing services for us".

    A broader policy statement might be: ABC may use any combination of the following means by which to fill its job openings: internal postings, newspaper advertisements, television and other media, college and trade school postings, word of mouth, employee referral, professional networking and transfer or promotion from within. If application is restricted, the announcement will so state.
  • I agree with Don. A lot of times companies treat consultants as "second rate employees" which is beyond me. I would go so far as to include Don's suggested statment ON the "Internal Job Posting" so internal employees and consultants know that both categories are eligible. That way you are less likely to have an ee moan if/when a consultant got the job over a "real" ee.
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