No ESL employee problem

Sorry for the length, I thought the details might help.

We hired an EXCELLENT house keeper (Criscel)about 6-8 months ago. Unfortunatley she had to quit after one week, b/c the homeowners that she was previously working for gave her a substantial raise and threatened to fire her husband if she didn't come back and work for them.

We understood, and she helped us find a replacement. After a few months the replacement decided she'd rather be a cop than a housekeeper and quit. Criscel found out and wanted to come back to work for us after her Husband found a new job. We said sure we would love for you to come back. She said that in the meantime she would find us a temp to help clean. We said good.

She sent us a temp who was to work for about 4 months. It has been a difficult 4 months b/c this temp speaks little to no english. We can't communicate with her as to what we want done, and when you try, she just says yes and then doesn't do the work. So you know she doesn't understand. Anyway, this temp assignment is coming to an end and the temp is calling Criscel to tell her not to come back to work for us, that her boss is mean and horrible and that she makes her do things that she shouldn't have to do (what that is I am not sure.) She then told Criscel that she fell at work and hurt her leg and we are making her work anyway.

This is all third hand knowledge to me. The temp never told anyone that she hurt her leg other than Cris. She asked Criscel to call her boss for her to explain that she hurt her leg and that she won't come to work.

Before I learned of this, we were going to end the temp's assignment b/c of her attitude towards her boss and Criscel. Now we have this leg problem to throw in. What do you think?


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • x:-)

    What do I think?

    I'm glad I'm me today instead of you x;-)

    It sounds like even prior to the knowledge about the temp worker, she was marginally & you already were formulating a plan to term her temp. position - so, I would follow through.

    It sounds like you still want to hire Criscel (which, PLEASE don't take this wrong, but you may in the future not want to mention real names), so hire her - explain the problems with the temp & Criscel will either work for you or not.

    With the temp - go investigate - find another person or hire an interpreter to come in & find out if there was an injury at work - if there was & she's still injured - file the claim & let your claim person know that you just found out (Disclaimer - in my state, an ee has 365 days to report injuries (longer for hearing, etc. injuries) & this may not be the same in yours, but call your claims manager to find out more.)

    Lastly, smile - it's just HR work x;-)

  • MWILD31: Goooooood recommendation, and I never thought I would write the above. This time we are on the same sheet of music and we ain't singing DIXIE!

    I'm glad I can run from the situation instead of facing the complex issues in which this case has become a WILDCAT ON THE PROWL!

  • What do I think? I think this is one of those games where you have a circle of people around the walls of a large room and the first one tells a tale and it is whispered throughout all the people in the room and you see how different the last person's rendition is from the original message. I think this is one of the most convoluted, crazy, haywire posts I have ever seen on the Forum.

    The above is my honest opinion and not intended to offend anyone, especially the illegal aliens who were actors in the scene portrayed above.
  • It's just too early in the morning for me to wrap my head around this one; however, I did have a thought about the language barrier issue. Why not has a set of cards printed up in different languages to cover the household tasks? You would simply hand the employee one card for each task you want done. Sounds like it could work.

    Is Don STILL on probation??? Jeez Louise, there's killers walking around with shorter probation’s.

    The above is my honest opinion and not intended to offend anyone in the housecleaning industry, or active homicidal maniacs for that matter.

  • Here's what I think.

    Criscel only worked for you for one week. She refered the temp to you. She has been the mediator between you and the temp.

    My gut feeling is that I don't trust Criscel.

    You should check her background and references more and shop around.

  • You should also advise Criscel that her mother mispelled Crystal on the birth certificate. I know my remarks indicate I may be off probation but I have not received anything to that effect from the probation office. I'm just living on the edge for a minute.
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