Recruiting strategies

I have just been assigned the task of creating a recruiting strategy for our company. I would like to know if anyone can share what they have with me, because I have no idea what is involved and what one looks like. Your help is greatly appreciated!


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • One of the things to include is a statement about striving to ensure the diversity of your workplace. Expanding the places that you post job notices so as to attract a different or larger demographic than usual.

  • Additionally, I would note where I was going to advertise..newspaper, net, webpage, community papers, colleges, VA etc.
  • Your strategy should also differ depending upon which position you are recruiting for- you won't use the same strategy to recruit for a CEO as you would for a mechanic or service rep. so you may want to break it down by Executive, management, hourly, etc...
  • Recruiting strategies certainly will vary according to the type of business and it stands to reason that you will want to document your recruiting activities to ensure that you can defend your hiring practices. Here are a few suggestions for "HR Recruiting Methods":

    1. Maintain current contacts and uses with Temporary Employment Agencies and local Employment Security offices.

    2. Actively recruit veterans. (Note: All local employment security offices have Veterans Sections.)

    3. Support involvement with High Schools/College/Trade schools for potential candidates. (This would include Career Fairs.)

    4. Work with minority agencies and place job orders with those organizations.

    5. Interact with trade/business organizations.

    6. Consider the value of placing advertisements in newspapers, journals, etc. for job openings; including the internet.

    7. Solicit possible applicants from current employees (note: we pay a "finders fee" to the person who does the referral. The new hire has to stay on our payroll for 6 months and the new hire must have put the person's name that did the referral on the application form).

    8. Participate in the Company Marketing plan to create High Company Visibility Image (just common sense: if people think you are the best employer in the field, they automatically seek you out which makes the recruiting much easier!).
  • A strategy involves all aspects of recruiting, from advertising to the conditional offer.

    There are lots of "freebies" where you can post position openings - Colleges, State Job Services, Unemployment offices, etc. Newspapers often run career specials. Post some jobs internally. You'll have to decide what you'll do with unsolicited applications and include that in your strategy. You'll also have to make a definition for "applicant," meaning: are all e-mails, letters of interest, and faxed resumes considered applicants or only those who have completed applications. Will you mail applications out to those who have indicated interest? Will you send post cards stating that the application will be kept on file?

    Lots to consider, but it sounds as if you have the reins.

    Good luck!
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