Employee and daycare issue

I have a new employee who before being hired said repeatedly that they had open availability to work, now that they are hired the employee is calling in saying they don't have anyone to watch the children and that Oklahoma just passed a law that prohibits us the employer from terminating because of daycare problems. I have looked everywhere I can think of to find out about this, to no avail. I think this employee is pulling a fast one. Any help would be helpful.
Some states have a protection for family or marital status. Your employee may think that she is protected under one of those.
If I'm wrong, I would love to read the section under the law in Oklahoma.
I will let you know if I can actually find anything in reference to this.
It might be interesting to confront her about that statement to see what she says, but as to your question, I would trust Mwilds net research, she is quite good at that - just use the phone numbers on the site and document your conversation with whomever answers your question.
I sympathise with day care issues, but would not let that be an excuse. I don't know about terminating, but I would definitely sit down and try to problem solve with this EE. Keeping in mind that showing up to do the work is an integral part of the job and that excess absenteeism and tardiness will lead to termination.
Oklahoma is usually pretty conservative. I can't think of any of our employment laws that are stricter than federal.
After my initial response, I did a search for "changes in Okla. employment law." I found a good link to an attorney's website (Matthies)that gives a synopis of Okla. requirements along with links to the actual section of the law. You might check that out.
Nothing about retaining absent employees who can't find daycare, by the way.