Vacation allowances for high tech firms?

Happy New Year to all!

I'm a relatively new HR Manager for a high-tech engineering/IT company. I've been in the position for about 5 mos and continue to hear complaints from staff & recruits about our vacation policy. For those of you in the high-tech industry, may I ask what vacation allowances you offer to your employees? (ie 1-5 yrs, 2 wks etc)


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • There are several high-tech firms in our geographic area. In recent job listings, they cited 3 weeks vacation to start. This could vary by the part of the country you're in; for example, it's not unusual for some high-tech companies in California to offer four weeks vacation upon hire.
  • Less than 3 years - 10 days
    3 years - 12 days
    4 years - 13 days
    5 years - 15 days
    15 years - 20 days

    The first year is prorated based on hire date. We also offer purchased vacation, either 5 or 8 days per year to supplement earned vacation.

    We are a high tech electronics manufacturer including engineering.
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