Help with employee relations issue!
116 Posts
Background: 6 ee's, 1 supervisor and 1 mgr (me), all in HR.
One of the ee's calls out sick Friday and Monday and tells the supervisor it is for medical reasons.
Supervisor sees ee in the mall on Saturday shopping.
How would you handle? EE is very touchy about personal issues and we do not require a dr's note for every absence.
One of the ee's calls out sick Friday and Monday and tells the supervisor it is for medical reasons.
Supervisor sees ee in the mall on Saturday shopping.
How would you handle? EE is very touchy about personal issues and we do not require a dr's note for every absence.
Additionally, I would have a discussion with my employee about the need for HR to be the trend and example setting unit. We have a higher standard for conduct and respect for the rule of law and policy.
This morning, I had this very discussion with my assistant. I had received rumors of wrong doing from three different sources, so before I jumped the gun I confront my assistant and ask how I could help? The end result was the rumors had some strength, so we talked about the need for our department to be clean to set the example for others to follow. My assistant assured me the concern would be put to rest! End of issue until the next time, if there will ever be a next time! I feel confident there want be a next time.
While I agree that it looks "bad" if Saturday is her day off...I don't think you can question what she's doing with it.
Listen to yourself.
Move on. There is no issue here.
I'd leave this one alone, if she is going to have an attendance problem that will manifest itself soon enough.
What would you do if a supervisor from another department came to you with the same set of circumstances for their staff?
Abuse of sick leave is one of the reasons we are considering a points based absenteeism and tardiness policy. Instead of implementing one of these, we are trying for a more company wide awareness of the issue and developing aspects of our culture that deal with this on a higher plane. I am skeptical, but wanted to try something positive before turning to more draconian measures.
If you tolerate it, it will grow. I say try to 'nip it in the bud.'
We have PTO banks - they work great - eliminates the need (unless someone doesn't judiciously budget their time) for managers and HR to monitor them.
"The employee called in sick on Friday and Monday, but on Sunday her supervisor saw her in church praying. Should we question her as to why she was able to go to church on Sunday and pray but not go to work on Friday and Monday? Or do you think it was okay for th eemplyee to go to church on Sunday. Your thoughts"
Nrdgrrl, your situation is different. Your ee was spotted on a Saturday- I presume her own time- what does it matter where she was at for that day? If it was on the Friday or the Monday that she was spotted my advice would be different, but for this one I'd move on.
I am guilty of assuming that the EE called in sick for both days on Friday, and further, the EE was to sick to work; then seen shopping, I immediately ASSUMED this EE had just arranged a 4 day weekend using sick leave instead of any other leave, which in our shop takes a couple of weeks notice to get.
I saw abuse of sick leave, which is a bit of a problem at our shop, and immediately wanted to bust the abuser and send a message that this behavior is not tolerated and will be dealt with when discovered.
However, calling in sick for medical reasons could have included two seperate days of testing on days when the facilities were open for such things, and testing could mean some very scary or some very mundane medical happenings which do not have anything to do with shopping on saturday.
I applied my own prejudices to this situation and lept before looking.
Ok, I feel better, now on to my next bit of hasty advice...