
Recently we had changes in our vacation policy. Our board will allow a 10 day carryover this leave year. Our vacation is accrued on a daily basis and all employees will accrue some form of leave right up until the very last day of the leave year.

As of now we can carry 10 days over but this coming year as we earn it, once the leave year is over, if it is not used, we will lose it.

My issue is our board does not wish to allow any carryover effective the coming year? Our agency must present a policy moving forward on how we plan to accrue and use our vacation leave. It is difficult when you earn leave right up to the very last day of the leave year, how can you not have any carryover unless everyone takes the last day of the month off?

Does anyone wish to share how you accrue and implement your vacation policy?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We allow 40 hours to carry over. We are very loose with respect to the hours associated with the final paycheck of the year. If the accrual associated with that check puts someone over, we generally allow it. If an EE has some leave scheduled for the first couple of weeks in January and using it gets them back under the 40 hour carryover, we also allow that.

    We do not allow EEs to go negative, perhaps you can allow a bit of that to happen for leave that is accrued in the final month of your year.

    Earning an hour or two of leave on the final day of the year and forcing EEs to use it will sure make your active work force a bit thin on those last few days of the year. This probably needs some more thought on the part of your board.
  • We have a union contract, so any changes need to go by them, but currently we allow a 90-hour carryover from contract year to contract year. Our accrual is daily, as well. If someone was not able to take enough time to get down to 90 hours, they are allowed to make a special request to the Executive Director to keep their balance into the next year.
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