Your opinion on a DUI?

Did a background check on a potential job candidate who was previously employed with us over a year ago.

In July she was convicted of a DUI. This person's job requirements will be to drive a fork lift and a cherry picker, but only when and if needed.

What are your thoughts about the conviction and how it conflicts with her job requirements?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • JM,

    Was she a good employee when she was there? How much of the job requirement would be to drive? You say only when and if needed, is it less than 5% of the time? Do you have a drug and alcohol policy?

    I know I've asked more questions than answered yours, but these are what I would ask myself first. Normally, I would say no. I look at what the conviction is and how it relates to the job requirements. I.E., don't put a convicted DUI in a driver position, don't put a convicted child molester in a daycare.

    If you decide that your D&A policy is strong, and that the job requirement to drive is minimal (or can be shifted elsewhere) and she was a good employee previously...I would do a pre-employment drug screen and then do random checks as needed later on.

    Good Luck
  • She's been drug tested. Clean. And she wasn't exactly someone I wanted to hire either, but the warehouse mngr. thought it would be a good idea since she is familiar with how things work back there.

    She could be kept from ever using the forklift, but then she would be fully capable of performing all essential required job duties.

    I guess I'm just looking to use this an excuse not to hire her. I really don't want her coming back b/c of the trouble she caused the first time around.

    Oh well, at least I gave her the same chance I would give any employee.
  • I would not rehire just based on your statement that she caused trouble first time around. Her recent conviction for DUI would just reinforce my decision. If she was a problem before, most likely she will continue to be a problem. Ask yourself what are the possibilies that you can find someone better than her - better meaning, a higher performer, more experienced, more ambitious, etc. I would look to hire the best candidate for the job, doesn't sound like she is.
  • given the scenario, I don't think the FUI factors into it at all. 90% of the people who are unlucky enough to get a DUI are people who acted stupidly and started driving home after a party or other occasion where they drank and realize now they should not have. Getting a DUI is a very consequential outcome and has a high level of importance on a variety of levels; however, I don't reckon it's much different from the Methodist preacher except his wife drives for him.
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