Pregnancy and absenteeism

I know this is a common topic, but I want any input you have anyway.

Situation: pregnant employee due in two months, has been w/our company less than a year (no FMLA to use), has had previous attendance issues. She was put on a reduced schedule at the end of November - 20 hours per week - and has called in sick five times since these restrictions were put into place.
The two notes that we do have for these absences simply state that she was seen on one day, and another states that she could not work "due to illness".
What are our rights as an employer in situations like this? Discussions had previously taken place regarding her attendance, but this was prior to her prenatal restrictions. I'm getting the sneaking suspicion that we are being taken advantage of here. Her doctor has not changed her work restriction since the initial document at the end of November. In fact, she sent us a new one dated after the original we received, but it states the same - that she is able to work four hours per day, so there have been no changes to this. Should we request a new one? Can we discipline in this situation?

I look forward to your thoughts.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Do you have a written policy covering restrictions and notification? You stated she has submitted notes when she has been absent so it sounds like she is trying to abide by some policy. Have you had other similiar situations? If so, how did you handle those?

    I know I have asked a lot of questions and have not really answered yours. If you do not have a written policy which she has not followed, I would find it very difficult to discipline.
  • How would you handle it if she had some other "temporary" illness???

    Look carefully at your attendance policy...see what it covers and what it doesn't. If you find it lacking in guidance, it may be time for an update. It might not help you in this case, but you'll be better prepared for the future.

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