Hiring Practices

Good afternoon all! I was wondering if anyone knows if it is illegal to have a policy written or not in place not to hire spouses. We currently hire parent/child but just not in the same department and no one related to supervisor of same department. Don't see a problem with that just wasn't sure if it is discriminatory to just not hire spouses whether in different departments or not. Thanks in advance for your replies!


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Do you have a nepotism policy? Or an anti-fraternization policy?

    By federal standards, no it is not illegal to hire spouses or not hire them, but depending on what your policies state, you may open yourself up to liability.

    For anyone to answer that question, they would need to see/know what your policies state.
  • It's perfectly ok to have a policy that prohibits hiring relatives if one would be in a supervisory capacity over the other. However, make sure you check Missouri law before you draft the policy. Oregon, for example, prohibits discrimination based on marital status or family relationship.
  • I find it hard to believe that the state of Oregon prohibits an anti-nepotism policy.
  • SZEMCUMO: It is your policy that influences NEPOTISM. It is not good to have direct family relationships in the same department; loose one and you may loose all! We do hire and try not to allow new ees to work in the same unit; however, since we do have a husband and wife team that not only work in the same work unit, the wife id the husband's boss. It works for this couple and for this manager, who is a dictator in any meaning of the word as a manager. All employees are directly reporting to this manager, so it works for them and him! We/I leave it alone, like I leave all other personnel maters relative to this work unit alone. The problem is not broke, therefore, I do not have to fix it!

  • We have a policy that does not allow any type of nepotism in a direct reporting line, unless specifically approved, in writing, by our Board.
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