Need Help ASAP - Employee Termination

We terminated a fairly new employee (3 mos), on 10/1/03 for unprofessional behavior and performance. She subsequently filed an EEOC charge which I have already submitted to the EEOC. On Wed. of this week, we attended an employment hearing to contest unemployment. This former ee works at another site from me. Apparently, this morning she went to her old site and confronted some of the staff there about things that came up in the unemployment hearing. She also started going through her old desk. During the term meeting, I told her that she was not to come back to the site and if she found out later that she left something to call me, and I would mail it to her. My question is what should be done at this point. She scared one of our employees because she met her in the parking lot. Should I contact her by phone or letter and tell her not to go back to the site. Should the police be called? Apparently, she still has a key to the desk. We did not know this. We did not finish our employment hearing on Wed and have to go back in Dec. Should I tell the referee what she has done by confronting these employees. This is one of the reasons that we discharged her because she kept up a lot of turmoil.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I would file a report with the police, and send here a certified letter letting her know that the next time she comes on the property she will be arrested for tresspassing.
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • I would also let the "referee" know what happened immediately following the employment meeting. Usually, they (the "referee") like to stick with just the events that led up to & include the day of discharge, but I think you could find a way to get this information into the hearing. Perhaps you could play a little 'dumb' with the "referee" and simply state in your opening remarks, "I hope that I can be as forthcoming as possible with the events that led to so-and-so leaving, however, based on so-and-so's response after our last meeting with you, "referee", I'm not sure I will be able to." The "referee" will ask for more information & then you can provide it - when you summarize say that this is just one more example of the type of behavior that you have described leading up to her dismissal. Good luck!
  • If you follow all the above advice, you should notify the ees on the other site what has been done and tell them to call the police if she shows up.
  • Request the key be returned, in writing, certified return receipt requested. Reiterate at that time that she is no longer welcome on company property, including parking lots, buildings, etc.

    Then send a request to other EEs not to discuss the situation because of the pending hearing, and further, they are to call the gendarmes in the event of trespassing.

  • I wouldn't mess with having her return the key. Just change the lock in the desk (it can be done in about 2 minutes, depending on the type of lock). But I agree with everyone else. I would send her a letter certified, return-receipt requested, that if she sets foot on your property again she will be arrested for trespass. If her behavior is relevant to her reason for termination (I think you mentioned one of the factors was "unprofessional conduct") I would also make sure the UC referee knows about her latest antics. She sounds like a nut. She also sounds like someone who used to work for us.
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