First Name Basis -What happened?

Okay Kates,
What happened with Slvia? You never told us, don't hold out on us?
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman


  • 14 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • He who wait with baited breath should not handle worms in first place.
  • Sorry about that. I am in Buffalo, NY and yesterday was a really nasty storm. Anyway, she couldn't get here so I had to wait until today.

    I am now going to burn in hell and our company will be closing its doors because of my questioning her (her words). I really don't have a basis for firing her at this point so she chose to stay on. I made it clear that if she is "nasty" to anyone that calls her Sylvia, I will fire her. If she preaches to anyone that doesn't want to be preached to, I will fire her.

    She threatened me with a discrimination lawsuit because she can choose to be called anything she wants. She also informed me that she has had this same issue with her previous employers. When I asked her "have you sued them also" her response was "no, they called me by my last name, Hall".

    She is still in training and must pass a road test and several other steps, I am hoping for failure!

    I will be lighting candles for myself and seeking repentance this weekend for this is the second time in my career that I have been told I will burn in hell! I love HR
  • That does not sound like a very nice thing for a minister to say to someone. What church ordained her? The church of nasty-mouth full-of-themselves people?
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 11-14-03 AT 10:53AM (CST)[/font][br][br]A larger issue for you now is that if she is 'driving' for you, I assume you have customers with whom she will come in contact.

    I'm not sure I'd retain someone who wished for me to burn in hell, outloud to my face. I'm rather creative. Your company should find a quick way to cut its losses now, early, before she costs you customers and who knows what else.
  • Actually until she completes the road test and the other testing that is required, she is not in contact with the public. Thankfully. When and if she completes the training she will be transporting small children. Because this is a government contract one bad report & she is gone.
  • Kates, don't feel alone. I had one ee, after I gave her some news she didn't want to hear, tell me, "I pray that everything you want or try to do in your life will fail." Another time, many years ago, an ee on her deathbed left specific instructions with her family that neither I nor my assistant should be permitted to attend her funeral. Gee, there's nothing quite as warm and fuzzy as being cursed from beyond the grave.
  • I have to say that if I had children and they were in contact with this woman, it would absolutely scare the hell out of me! Can't you cut your losses and just term her now? She sounds like she's a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic.
  • Thats a very odd request from someone, Whirlwind. To have nothing better in life to worry about is beyond me!

    We are pretty creative around here, I highly doubt she will ever make it to see those children.
  • So she might sue for discrimination because you're going to call her by her first name- JUST LIKE YOU DO WITH EVERYONE ELSE!? Give me a break. And if she told you to burn in hell, she must be off, that's not something that sane people would tell their new employer even if they thought it.

    And like Whilwind said, you're not alone. I just recently was called Satan by an applicant because I told her we weren't hiring her and she is not to come to my office anymore. She said "go back to Hell, Satan" in front of everybody in my office area. I had securtiy escort her out.
    But each day I ask people at work if my horns are visible. x}>
  • I had someone try to give me the evil eye. It didn't work, I was told, because my glasses had a UV protective coating.
  • Have you documented these coversations? Did you have any witnesses? The comments by HRSage got me thinking about being in front of a jury and having to pass the 'reasonable person' test. I think you would pass. Also, can EEs create a hostile work environment for management? I would feel threatened and intimidated, at least on paper, by this situation. Seems like one of those creative ways to eliminate your problem.
  • We have several "Ministers" - one was picked up for solicitation. Not sure what church permits that. But he also prays for everyone. I have been prayed for in several different ways: to get what I deserve, just a general pray for, also the old favorite burn in hell (always been tempted on that one to add the old favorite "I'll save you a seat" - but I refrain.) and several others. Never a dull moment.
  • Under the rules of engagement for people in the 90 day Introductory Period where I work, I would terminate her immediately. People starting off during the training or Introductory Period are usually on their best behavior. If so with her, it will only get worse.
  • And the company will be closing it's doors because you dared to question her?!?! I'd be telling her, "Then I must insist you not take a position at a company with such a short term future." See ya...bye.
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