termination and release in new york

I would like to terminate an employee, who has been employed for a period of eight months. I would like to provide one month of severance. I would also like a release. The employee is over 40 years old. Where can I obtain some samples on this? and perhaps an article?


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Whenever we want a release, we have our attorney write it. There are things that must be included in a release (such as giving the ee sufficient time to consult with an attorney) and since the purpose is to protect the company, it is best to have an attorney draw it up.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 11-06-03 AT 02:09PM (CST)[/font][p]Sounds like you are a student looking for help with a paper. I haven't been out of school all that long to not recognize an assignment topic when I see one. I believe this isn't the place for that and you should be doing your own research.


    If by some chance I'm mistaken, Whatever's advice is the best bet. Consult an attorney to have them draft a letter. It's what my company has done to get a standard severance and release agreement.
  • Cyndy, you've been reading too many of Don's posts. You sound just like him. x;-)

    Most student post once and never come back. We'll see if you are correct.
  • I agree with Cyndy. Who gives a months' severance for an 8-month employee? And the wording is exactly like my memory of class assignments.
  • Why are there concerns with giving students information? I occassionally see this issue on the forum. While, of course, we shouldn't do their papers for them, I would think that getting input from subject matter experts - us - would be some of the best research they could do. Should they only be getting text information?

    Just curious as to the thought process behind this.
  • Blx, it's simple. Those on the forum who were HR students once didn't have the luxury of a forum like this and don't want the young'uns to have an unfair advantage. x;-)
  • blw,

    I understood this to be a place for HR professionals to discuss issues they need help with. It's not a forum for employees or students to discuss hypothetical situations. Just my understanding.

  • The concern isn't about giving students information. The apprehension is that this "student" cannot be bothered to research the "text" and is trying to get us to write their paper.

    It seems to me that if that student had done any reasearch, the questions asked would be different. Why would an HR person want an article? Obviously they have a computer and have access to the net and yada, yada, yada.
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