Prescriptions taken while working

I'm back with another prescription drug question!
Does anyone have a policy regarding pres. drugs being taken while working. I don't want to know why you are taking the drug just what the side effects are so we could determine whether you should be performing certain jobs duties while on it. I am thinking that this would not violate HIPPA as long as I don't ask why you are taking it. The chances of ee's telling us about every pres. I know are slim but if policy was intact and they didn't and got hurt we should be covered if they didn't tell us.

Your thoughts are as always anixously awaited.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Legally prescribed medications, prescribed to the employee are permitted only when the use of such medications does not adversely affect the employee’s ability to perform the duties of the job, or compromise the safety of the individual or others. Employees, who are on prescribed medications, are responsible to inform their supervisor before reporting to work. Employees are not required to disclose what medication they are taking or the illness or injury that is being treated, only that their ability to perform their job duties may be impaired.

  • First szem, you and I aren't in a position to determine whether or not somebody's medication is safe to take while working. Those days are long gone. Today, the safest thing your policy can state is something about not operating machinery while taking any medication that would tend to make you drowsy or inattentive or which medication literature suggests not taking it while driving or working. Requiring ee's to advise us when they are taking 'any' prescription medication violates the ADA in that it could tend to illicit information which might reveal a handicap. But, the bottom line is we're not medical or pharmachological personnel. If you do feel that you have an unsafe situation in this regard, you can tell the employee to run it by his physician to make sure he recommends he stay on the job.
  • I have just run into this situation; ee volunteered that he takes a strong prescription drug. My comment to this ee was "if you have concerns or questions about a drug prescribed by your doctor, please get together with said doctor to talk about how this medication might impact your performance and safety on the job". And, based on that conversation talk with your manager about possible restrictions or accomodations.
  • I agree with Don and Pecohr. Ocassionally, ee's will tell us about their prescription medication. We tell them to make sure their doctor is aware of what their job entails and let the doctor make the decision to recommend any modifications or light duty. Haven't had a problem yet.
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