The "Chessie" Grin

Unusual circumstances here - how would you handle this one?

We have a Building Inspector who is polite, well-spoken, intelligent, and wears a permanent (almost immutable) low-profile grin; commonly referred to as a "sh*%-grin." He's very meticulous when inspecting new construction. Our builders and developers have no problem if Mr. B.I. finds fault in construction. They are willing to fix it.

They take great exception to his grin. They perceive it as degrading and believe he is looking for a "sting." They see it as a "gotcha!" Some of our developers have said they will not let him on their property again - they've asked us to send another inspector because they're afraid one of the sub contractors will hurt him.

What say ye?


  • 19 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • How bizarre! People actually complaining about someone who smiles. Okay, stick a fork in me -- I'm done.

    Seriously, I think you need to approach it as you would anything else, for example, an employee who talks too loud in normal conversation. It's a trait that requires modification. I would simply explain to him that it's been brought to your attention that some of the customers with which he deals have expressed discomfort at his constant smile, and is there anything that we can do to assist you in helping you adapt a more neutral expression around customers? The problem is, if the smile habit is so ingrained in his nature that it's reflexive, you have another issue that I wouldn't even want to try to tackle.
  • Maybe you can guess my response x:-) as I seem to gravitate towards the business side of HR than others, I'm for the side that says - if it's affecting business in a negative way then something has to be done. My response would be different if it was co-workers with the same complaint - however this sounds like the customer. I would meet with the individual & let them know what's being said & ask him to rectify the situation immediately.
  • I had a coach in high school who, just before he laid that paddle across my backside, would tell me EVERY DAY, "Wipe that S**t Eatin' grin off your face!" I never did. I think he hit me twice as many times because of it. I'm waiting for the ADA crowd to jump in here and suggest he has a disability. Does it look sorta like this one x;-) ?
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 11-03-03 AT 04:02PM (CST)[/font][p] Does it look sorta like this one x;-) ?

    No, it's more like Snidely Whiplash, without the moustache.

  • Before Snideley Whiplash came out of the closet, he was admired by all the ladies because he would untie them when they were on the railroad tracks. Maybe this guy is a charmer and can't help it. Like Ray.
  • I go for the guy who dries dishes.
  • Don't dry dishes and don't do white glove inspections, either. Never been confused with a charmer in my whole life.
  • No, no, Don. Snidely Whiplash tied them DOWN to the railroad tracks. It was Dudley Do-Right who untied them from the tracks.

  • Maybe he has "Joker Face Syndrome" (JFS). I suffered from JFS for years until I went to Boot Camp and contracted "DI Shoe up my Butt Syndrome" (DISUBS). The DISUBS seemed to cancel out the JFS....very quickly as I recall.
  • Yikes! A building inspector (presumably an government emp/ee) who is polite, courteous, competent, and respected by those for whom he toils. How perverse!! How can we tolerate this kind of person working for the government? If I want a different inspector, can I just ask? Do I need a reason? He whistles his sss 's when he talks and it drives me crazy, I may have to stomp on his foot!! Or, maybe I don't like the fact he won't look the other way on minor issues, and he actually makes me do my jopb. Normally I side with those who say if it hurts business, then probably need to change - I'm not convinced this is hurting business, or helping it - if the businss of inspections is to ensure construction per code etc. I can't believe I'm saying this, but this is one time government should call the shots, and let the contractors iknow you are in charge and if they cabn't overlook his grin, that's their porblem not your, or his.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 11-03-03 AT 04:08PM (CST)[/font][p]OK, great ideas - Thanx. I tend to handle it as suggested by mwild31. I'll let you all know how it goes.

    You're right, Shadowfax. I don't believe the forces we answer to will take our back in the oncoming troops of development.

  • Does your guy play guitar, love music, and go around saying: "AAARRR"? (Pirate talk) I didn't know someone could commute to a second job that far. If you figure out how to handle this guy, let me know, we have his twin. Ours apparently has better social skills though, contractors don't complain, even though he does have the smile. Must be something about the profession.
  • Unfortunately, some folks are suspicious of others who smile a lot, whatever their reason for smiling may be.

    I fielded (is that a word?) a guest complaint about a Hotel Front Office Manager who "smiled too much". She smiled while listening to a guest complain about something or other. I knew her smile was genuine and part of her approach to keeping complaint discussions positive, but this guest in particular thought she was mocking him.

    She was hurt by the complaint, but she also made a conscious effort to modify her facial expressions when listening to guest complaints.
  • Just what the heck does chessie MEAN?x:-/
  • I assumed it's short for the Cheshire Cat grin from Alice in Wonderland. It looks a lot like this x:D
  • The guy may have rectal-mandibular syndrome. I think the medical term is analgrinalosis, with 'lo' being the dominant syllable. In layman's terms it means a sh*t-eating-grin. x:D
  • >The guy may have rectal-mandibular syndrome. I think the medical term
    >is analgrinalosis, with 'lo' being the dominant syllable. In layman's
    >terms it means a sh*t-eating-grin. x:D

    Don,is that covered under the ADA?

  • Only if you regard him as being disabled and treat him as such. That's the catch-all that covers any new crop of ailments.

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