How Should I Do It?

I am really backed up on filing and I am trying to find ways to simplify. My former Boss used to use those g niel two sided confidential employee record folders that cost money. They seem to be redundant in that all the info I fill in on the cover is already inside. Is it safe to just keep ee files in file folders or plain two sided folders. I keep the I9's separate.


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • deez: I believe that the filing in of the basic personnel information required for placing the jacket in the file cabinet is all that we use. Filing is simple when it is done as you go, and the last to do thing every day. Get your boss to agree to a one time O/T requirement to get cleaned up and organized in the files. My assistant and I together got the files in shape in one 6 hour O/T period on Sat and it has never gotten messed up again because she and I are the only ones allowed to pull files and we file as we go and the last "to do item" of every day regardless of the pile. It gets done now with no O/T.

  • Deez - just use g. neil as a source for ideas - not to actually buy anything from. x:-) I have six-part plain folders I use for the personnel and 401k files. I use plain manila files for the medical files & the same for the safety files.
  • I buy several products from GNeil and used to use those two sided blue tinted file folders you speak of. They ARE indeed redundant and I never knew anybody to fill the folder blanks out anyway. Those folders are a waste of money and will never replace your hard copy files inside the folders. There only value is that they are tough, thick cardboard and very durable. Do as Pork suggested and get stuff done. Hire a cracker-jack temp with some office experience or call in somebody who may be retired who has worked in HR and pull the Forum plug for 3 or 4 days and VOILA! Pledge to never let more than two days of paperwork stack up on you.
  • Filing daily? I'll have to consider that one! My current system involves a two-tier in-box. Top is the in-box, bottom is the filing box. When the filing box gets so full that the in-box starts to slide off, it's time to catch up on my filing.

    If I had the self discipline to quit the Forum for a few days, then I'd also already have the self discipline to file on a daily basis. x:D
  • If you can, follow the advice above and bring in your assistant (if you're lucky enough to have one) or get a temp to help get squared away. I, too, do my filing last thing each day (when I'm essentially brain-dead and don't want to think because it hurts), so unless I'm out of town I'm usually never behind on my filing.
  • I am always backed up on filing - being a one person department - it seems to be the thing that I always put-off. We are using a four part folder, I have used the folders you boss is suggesting, I agree they are redundant. All of the information on the folder is probablyy at your finger tips in your HR Software. I would buy less expensive multiple part folder. I do feel your pain on the filing - oh to have an assistant again.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-30-03 AT 10:16AM (CST)[/font][p]ME TOO! I want an assistant! Thanks for the feedback folks. And now I know why I'm so far behind. FORUM ADDICTION!!!!!!#o
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