OOE-1 Question

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-28-03 AT 01:14PM (CST)[/font][p]First time filing this report. I have 4 members of our senior management team who have specific occupations IT, Creative Director, Finance Manager and Member Services Coordinator. Do I categorize them as executives under officials and managers or put them into the categories that list their specific proffessions? If so I can't find a category that fits the M.S. coordinator or the IT guy. The IT guy is NOT a computer programmer but does employ one.
I am already overdue any help would be great!
I meant to say EEO-1!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • >[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-28-03 AT
    >01:14 PM (CST)[/font]
    >First time filing this report. I have 4 members of our senior
    >management team who have specific occupations IT, Creative Director,
    >Finance Manager and Member Services Coordinator. Do I categorize them
    >as executives under officials and managers or put them into the
    >categories that list their specific proffessions? If so I can't find a
    >category that fits the M.S. coordinator or the IT guy. The IT guy is
    >NOT a computer programmer but does employ one.
    >I am already overdue any help would be great!
    >I meant to say EEO-1!

    I put them under the Officer/Manager classification, after all they are officers/managers. IT people generally go under the catergory of technician.
  • Officials and Managers. Does the "IT guy's" title also include "Director" or "Manager"? Since he employs a programmer, he is managing another ee, so I would include him in the O&M catagory. That is how we do it on our EEO-1 and AAP and VET100 reports.
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