Vacation scheduling
5 Posts
Our CEO has recently decided he may want to impose vacation scheduling in full-week increments only. Presently we require vacation to be taken in full days.
We are a high-tech engineering firm that is very project driven. He has a mindset that it would be easier to plan contigencies around an employee's full week vacation, and wants to do away with partial week absences.
I am skeptical that our employees will favorably receive this change. Do any of you have similar policies? If so, how is this policy received by your employees?
We are a high-tech engineering firm that is very project driven. He has a mindset that it would be easier to plan contigencies around an employee's full week vacation, and wants to do away with partial week absences.
I am skeptical that our employees will favorably receive this change. Do any of you have similar policies? If so, how is this policy received by your employees?
Margaret Morford
If there's still an opportunity to change the CEO's mind, then instead of his current course of action - have employees map out their vacation request at least six months in advance - determine your human capacity levels/vs. project capacity levels and allow only so many members to be gone during the peak times on a first come/skill level basis. Apply this measure consistently and allow for no overlaps. (For example - our employees request their vacation time for the year during the first 15 days in January. Those requests are then added to the the calendar. During the months of May through October, we can only allow one person per department to be gone at one time. Anyone submitting a vacation request after January 15th - must do so at a minimum of 30 days in advance of the request - if not, then it's automatically denied. If they do, then we look to the calendar and see if anyone else from the department is gone - if someone is, then it's denied - if it's not, then the request is considered & usually approved.) We've had a huge success with this policy & it's made our capacity planning infinitely easier to manage. Good luck either way!
(I suppose if you get a lot of personal days this might not be so bad.)