Help, I'm confused

We received a disability claim form from an ee suffering from back pain. EE and her doctor stated that disability was not work related. CLaim was submitted on Wednesday to disability carrier. Today, I got FMLA forms in which the doctor states "patient is having neck and back pains due to repeated work in manufacturing." Do I contact the disability carrier? Do I contact the workers comp. carrier? Do I contact both?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • This has happened to us, too. We contacted both carriers to give them a 'heads up' on the situation. Then we contacted the EE to explain the injury is either work-related or it isn't, it cannot be both. Which is it? If they say work-related, we get the info and file with w/c. If they say they don't know, we tell them the claim will be denied by both carriers based on the conflicting documentation and they really need to go back to their doctor to get a definite answer.
  • We have had ee's and doctor's who have changed their minds midstream and we tell the ee that they risk being denied by both worker's comp and disability. We advise the ee to call their doctor and have the doctor straighten it out. Sometimes, we will call the doctor directly and explain the situation and make sure they are doing the right thing for their patient.
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