Offensive clothing

I have an employee, the union president by the way, whose shirt today says something to the effect of, "I'm trying to see things your way but I can't stick my head that far up your a**" (I think I've got it almost verbatim). He came into a meeting with me this morning and after I read it, I told him I did not think that it was appropriate and his response was, "Oh, it's not that bad". I disagreed and he informed me that if someone complained that he would "do something about it" but not until. Technically we do not have a dress code so there isn't a written policy regarding vulgar clothing. Any thoughts on where I would stand in requiring this person to at least turn the shirt inside out?
You will never ever ever make me believe that she did not know in advance that EVERYONE who noticed that word on her shirt would think the same thing you did. Your EE just wanted to make a statement. Shame on her.
Do you have a policy about inappropriate language? Just b/c this is in print, doesnt make it an execption. Just my thoughts, Good Luck x:)
Dress codes seem to be an invitation for non-violent rebellion. It does, however, create a diversion for both management and staff. These EE's would be challenging something else anyway.
Make your objections known as management's representative. But since you don't have a dress code, and probably emplyees in your office have worn similar shirts over the yers without problem, you shouldn't stop the union-managment meetng. However, next time, just arrange for the meeting to be held off company grounds. Remember, at the time he meets with you as union presdient, he has equal status. Whether you terminate meetings on the basis he wears the t-shirt during those meetings is something you need to consider crefuly and discuss with executive management and legal counsel. You dont' want to be charged with "lack of good-faith bargaining."
Between the California and Vermont legislatures and the NLRB, I suspect this nation will have zero manufacturing companies within 15 years.
Sure we do!
>appropriate wear for work and if they wore it again, they would be
>sent home to change without pay.
I had to do the very thing last week. I sent 2 employees home to change (with pay the first time) and without pay if they had to be sent home again. Both employees were highly miffed at me. Both came back and appologized. We (HR people) understand the psychology behind non-violent rebellion. We just don't have to accept it all the time. - Though I like to get my digs in once in a while.
Wear a piece (or pieces) of clothing that don't meet our appearance standard, and we won't send you home, instead you'll have to replace that item with something from the "ugly box". The ugly box is filled with ugly looking items that meet the appearance standards.
Wearing a cropped top with spaghetti straps? Replace it with the lime-green polyester leisure suit jacket.
Wearing low-rise jeans that expose some belly? Replace them with the brown and orange plaid polyester bell bottoms.
Repeated offenses will lead the disciplinary action, but the first time one has to wear an ugly item is usually the last.
I think that is GREAT! I think all schools maybe even employers need and UGLY BOX x:)
She knew what she had on and I would have sent her home to change. The guy...turn it inside out and don't wear it again.
Maggie from Lake Geneva