Job posting...

Is it a legal requirement or just good practice to have a resignation in hand and post a position before hiring or transferring another employee into the position?
This is really bugging me. I haven't been in HR that long, but I've been told all along that we should require a written resignation or termination letter before posting a job or advertising and that the job should be posted for at least one full day if not more before interviewing, hiring and or transferring someone into the position.
Could someone within the organization bring litigation for not being given the opportunity to apply or transfer? This is one of our higher paid positions in the district and I would imagine there might be several individuals interested.
This is really bugging me. I haven't been in HR that long, but I've been told all along that we should require a written resignation or termination letter before posting a job or advertising and that the job should be posted for at least one full day if not more before interviewing, hiring and or transferring someone into the position.
Could someone within the organization bring litigation for not being given the opportunity to apply or transfer? This is one of our higher paid positions in the district and I would imagine there might be several individuals interested.
Brad Forrister
Director of Publishing
M. Lee Smith Publishers
Thanks for your response,