Evaluations - the saga continues!

Our evaluation process continues to be refined. Many of you may remember that I initiated a switch from the typical laundry list evaluation form that you can purchase from HR supply companies to a more interactive "reveiw and development" form that I created.

My initial plan was to have bi-annual review sessions in June and December. Well, twice a year proved too difficult. So, now we are going to try an annual review session for all employees in December. The review will be accompanied by a compensation summary that gives each employee a personalized "hidden paycheck" that shows the real value of their entire benefit package.

Also, I am offering our supervisors the option to have their employees complete a self-review form. This option will be useful for managers with larger departments. The self review form is completed by the employee prior to the review session. The supervisor adds his/her own comments to the form and then sits down with the employee to discuss it.

The review form includes strengths, weaknesses, discussion areas (what challenges or frustrations the employee is facing), and goals. Of the supervisors who have used the self-evaluation, the initial responses have been very positive.

So.. here we are. Short of NOT doing annual evaluations, I feel like I have finally created a system that is fairly simple to keep track of and doesn't require too much from my supervisors. Is it perfect? Not even close. Are their better systems? Probably. Hopefully this will work for my situation.

If you struggle with getting annual evaluations completed in an organized timely manner, know that you are not alone.

Paul in beautiful Cannon Beach, Oregon


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