This is crazy
San Francisco
246 Posts
I was just handed a draft for a new leave of absence policy. I have never seen anything like it - it's 27 pages long! Isn't this unusual? Does anyone else have policies this long?
I can't conceive of any reality which would require a 27-page policy for anything, much less leaves of absence. The longest policy I have is only 5 pages and it covers harassment. None of our other corporate policies exceed 3 pages and most are a single page.
And, this isn't an "Arnold" thing, it's a new executive regime thing. They think we have been too lax and are tightening up the reins. And maybe they are right. We started out a small family owned and run business that was known for being employee friendly. Now we are too big and many of those family things have gone away or been taken away. Ah, corporate life.
Pork, that is a great idea. You are so right,it is so cumbersome no one will find anything. Thanks, I will suggest it.
I certainly hope that they offer employees assistance in completing the 27 page form.