Self Defense Sprays

Has anyone had a personal safety or crime awareness seminar done in your workplace where they sold chemical sprays at the end? If not, would you allow that in your workplace? What might be the issues?



  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Never had one at any of the companies I worked for, but I know colleagues who have. Selling the spray at the end is the presenter's "fee" for providing the safety presentation.

    We have a strict no weapons policy in my company and if we were to permit sprays to be sold, employees wouldn't be able to take possession of their purchase on company property. They would be able to order it and pay for it, but it would have to be delivered to them at their home. After all, even defensive pepper spray can be used as an offensive weapon depending on who's behind it.
  • Some states require a license for mace (MA is one) so check that out. My workplace does not allow it in the building, its considered a weapon.
  • I would not allow it. The sale of their product, that is. If I really needed a reason, also being the safety officer, I would say that no MSDS sheets are available to identify the chemical and they cannot be on property. If I needed another reason I would say it violates our 'no solicitation' policy which we have in place partly to control union activity. If I needed a third reason I would say that while we DO advocate a class to teach people some of the points of self protection; the company does not advocate the use of non-business chemical irritants on our property, and if we did would not recommend one brand over others. i.e., teach the class but leave your stuff in the trunk of your car.
  • Such sprays are a violation of our workplace violence policy (although, some of us have to park in a not-so-nice section of the city and walk to and from the building and really object....but) so the presenter would not even be permitted to have the stuff in the building.

  • Thanks for your responses. I, too, didn't think it should be allowed, but wanted some reinforcement!
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