Exempt employees choosing to go unpaid

I know that the FLSA will not allow us to dock for an unpaid personal day for an exempt employee unless work is available and the employee could have chosen to work (I know--other language does expand on this, but this is the essential piece pertinent to this posting). [I][b]Basically, the only way to allow exempt employees to go unpaid if work is not available is for an entire week at a time[/i][/b].

We are potentially shutting down the week after Christmas this year. If we do so, exempt employees will receive 1 day holiday pay for New Year's day and there will be no work available on December 29, 30, 31, and January 2.

x:-/ If an exempt employee wishes to go unpaid for the other four days that week can we let them (as the Holiday Pay is not for time worked)?
x:-/ If the answer is no, what would you think of allowing [b]only[/b] exempt employees to request (in writing) the unpaid week along with a request to move their New Year's holiday to January 5th?

This request has been raised in the past, but there were always worked hours in the week in question, so it was not allowed.
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