
I've seen it discussed here before, but I'd like to bring it up again....Dates on resumes...important or not.

I've always relied on the dates to verify continuity in the work history, but I recall some here saying that having such dates could lend to age discrimination and you'd rather not see them.




  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I think the date ranges are important. The provide a framework for the depth of a persons experience. They can also indicate when a person is current or not with respect to areas of technical expertise.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-30-03 AT 06:14PM (CST)[/font][p]If I am trying to fill a position, the dates, sooner or later, will be required for a thorough analysis. I understand that people often will not reveal their age by not listing dates that go back 30 years. But, if the applicant anticipates floating to the top and being considered for interview, I will have to have evidence of gaps in employment history, continuity of relevant employment and proof that they meet the minimum requirements for the job or they are in the reject pile. I would never schedule an interview without some indication of those factors being met.
  • Employment dates are important, not birthdates or graduation dates.
  • Thank you for the responses...with all of the resume advice floating around on the internet..we've begun to see some unusual things come through. I don't want to deny anyone a fair shake at an interview...but I also don't want to be open to a discrimination suit because they gave us too much information!!!

  • They definitely help! I just reviewed one of the worst resumes I've ever seen. Someone submitted a resume for a professional position. Their resume had name, address and phone number at the top, then a short 3-4 sentence paragraph with their experience/skills. The a list of their six or so employers - no dates, titles, duties, anything. I told the interviewing director I would recommend skipping it!
  • You know, they may have submitted their Bio as opposed to a resume. A lot of exec's have to put a bio together for company promotions/websites/client relations. I might contact the applicant and ask for a resume.
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