Advertising suggestions

Hi out there!!

Are any of you in the restaurant business? I am currently HR Director for a couple of small hospitals, and my owners recently bought and are operating a couple of restaurants in our area! WOW! What a change in pace! Anyway..I need suggestions on advertising for small restaurant managers, other than our local newspaper. I know that is a given, and would like some different suggestions. Thanks for any help you may offer.



  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I work in the hospitality industry and HIGHLY recommend a website called HCareers. You can post a position on their site (it's a very user-friendly interface) and it only costs $225 per posting (or something like that). The posting will run for 45 days and the system will notify you when new resumes have been posted to your position listing. You can then go in and retrieve them. I have hired our last three General Managers (all for various locations around the US) from their site and am a big advocate of their service. They're at [url][/url]. Good luck!
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