Salary Survey Information

Hi Everyone,

We are in the process of changing our annual review and salary structure to fit into standard grades and I have (probably) a very stupid question (I think I've been looking at numbers too long). Anyway here goes:

When considering salary survey information, we base the salary on the job description part of the survey instead of job title which is fine for the most part. However, if you have say someone with a Director's title and there is no salary information available for that title and there are more job duties and responsibilities than the "Managers" title do you:

1) Estimate the salary information based on the Managers salary plus an 8-10% increase in salary for each level up?

2) Use and On-line salary survey even though we find that the numbers are higher than the information we have which will skew our numbers for that position?

3) Tell them there outta luck and to go away (sorry I'm tired).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


P.S. We are a medium size manufacturing company in the Northease. I use BLR and SHRM's salary surveys.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Try contacting other local companies to get salary range information on comparable positions (yes, match job duties/description not title). This will tell you what you need to pay to retain or attract a similar employee, and help you use the survey information you have gotten so far to structure your ranges. Good luck.
  • Fortunately at my current employer we pay someone to collect the data specific to our industry, however, not all of my formers employers have been so kind or blessed with a budget for this kind of information gathering. In those cases it is much more difficult to obtain salary data. One of the things that I used to do was contact competitors, find someone at my level and ask them for the data in exchange I offered to share my findings with them. More times than not they were willing to share. Good luck.
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