corporate training centers

does anyone have any information or ideas where i can get information on companies that run their own training centers. thanks


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • we have an onsite training dept. what kind of information are you looking for?
  • we have approximately 15 facilities acroos the country and several right here in MS. was curious if it might be better to conduct training at one location instead of 20.
  • LeeR: Unless you are with NISSAN, CANTON, MS I would think our community college system would be your best solution. It has got to be cheaper and capable of handling most of your needs. I have found them to be very cooperative and capable. Otherwise, I suggest you first develop a strategic training goal, with objectives and realistic time frames for completion, followed by interviewing and hiring a corperate training specialist, who will be responsible and accountable to you for the development of a training plan and curriculum ( a program of studies) on which to proceed. That is how I got into this HR world as a training specialist for a retail company with 325 stores spread over 13 states, with plans to increase to 500 over the next three years. It was my responsibilities to get trained myself and then travel all over the company area teaching and training management in leadership in the first year; after which we established a coroperate training program and all the training was done in the home office. Technical training was left for the district managers to do the technical training. Jitney Jungle once had a training center in mindenhall and they brought all of their francise owners into their training center to learn technical and people handling skills!

    Good luck, PORK
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