Company Credit Cards

Considering issuing Company Credit Cards to certain employees who do occasional travel for business purposes. Just looking for some of the pros and cons.



  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • For employees that are required to travel, we set them up with a corporate american express card. The more charges on the card, the bigger the cash rebate we get from Am Ex. The employee is billed directly from Am Ex and submits expense reports for reimbursement.
  • Make sure your accounting dept. is geared up to handle the corproate card program. One of my biggest pet peeves when I had a corporate card is that I was that the bills came to me and they were ALWAYS due before I would get my expense reimbursement check, so I would be out-of-pocket for a couple of weeks or more before our accounting department got it together.
  • Consider whether you will have the bills sent to the company or to the ee. We are personally responsible for our company issued credit cards, the company pays the annual fee, but I am responsible to pay the bills on time and must pay any late fees out of pocket.
  • This is a huge plus for employees that travel..especially when business travel takes them to places that they would not otherwise be able to afford to go. Prior to the business card, travel was a great hardship-it meant putting off the car payment so that i could front the hotel bill.

    If you go this route, I suggest having a spending policy...making sure employees are charging only business expenses on the card. Make your travel policy and reimbursement policy very clear-so employees are not assuming that everything charged to the card will be paid for by the company.

    I'd be happy to give you sample policies if you like.

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