Christmas Bonuses

Our company is doing away with Christmas Bonuses and I was wondering if anyone had a letter they've sent out or suggestion on the best way to break the news to employees. Help! Thanks, Stuck with the task!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Because religion has been so roundly hammered on The Forum lately, I would call them 'annual bonuses'. But, that wasn't your question. The last company I worked for made this decision November of last year. The letter was posted on bulletin boards. It was signed by the Chairman/CEO, no other will suffice. It also should be truth-based and to the point. I think I recall that ours said, "All of our associates are aware of the economic downturn experienced throughout our industry over the past 16 months. Orders have severely suffered and expenses have been trimmed wherever possible. It is my sincere intention that we not encounter a reduction in force or any more temporary layoffs than are absolutely necessary. All of us understand that when orders grind to a halt, machines need not continue to run. Accordingly, an annual bonus will not be given at the close of 200_." We consciously avoided verbage that would recognize the bonus as a policy or historical practice. Nor did we mention returning to it. People understand the truth. The pain will be the same but they will at least understanding the reasoning.
  • Thank you for your reply! This should get me started with what I need to address. Actually - I am drafting the memo which will be forwarded for approval from the President/Vice-President.
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