Co. Moved Too Far?

Do any of my NJ forum buddies know if an employee can collect unemployment (without being penalized) based on the fact that the company moved 25 miles away from the present location?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • NJJEL: The question is with the move did your company offer continued employment at the new location or did the company downsize or was this simply a transportation issue. When we order an employee to transfer to a different remote location because we need his/her talent and skills at a new location, the individual has the opportunity to go or loose his/her employment status. UE then must work through the claim. Some have gotten UE and some have not depending on the facts.

  • Yes, i am aware of those facts too but was wanting to know the law specific to New JErsey unemployment as I believe there is some case law on it.
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