Charity Fundraising Event and Minors in Attendance

I had the following question posed to me regarding one of our nonprofit agencies and a charity/fundraising event:
"Anyone who is under the legal drinking age should not be present for a charity function where alcohol is being served." Is this true?
I have looked under Federal and State Law and I couldn't find anything specifically stating that. I understand the potential liability problem for the agency, but I was wondering if there is an actual law forbidding that.
"Anyone who is under the legal drinking age should not be present for a charity function where alcohol is being served." Is this true?
I have looked under Federal and State Law and I couldn't find anything specifically stating that. I understand the potential liability problem for the agency, but I was wondering if there is an actual law forbidding that.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Now, if someone doesn't want to on the responsibility of underage people at a function where alcohol is available, especially if it's a hosted bar, that's another story.