Charity Fundraising Event and Minors in Attendance

I had the following question posed to me regarding one of our nonprofit agencies and a charity/fundraising event:

"Anyone who is under the legal drinking age should not be present for a charity function where alcohol is being served." Is this true?

I have looked under Federal and State Law and I couldn't find anything specifically stating that. I understand the potential liability problem for the agency, but I was wondering if there is an actual law forbidding that.



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I would say no that is not true. States like ours that allow gambling, excuse me, gaming, have laws that exclude from casions persons under 21. Some municipal laws won't allow grocery employees under 21 to scan a case of beer so they must hold up the line and call for someone to come scan it for them. But I have never heard that minors must be restricted from events such as you describe. It may be some city ordinance though. Call whichever office issues the permits for events and let us know.
  • Sound like bs to me Ana! If you cover my travel expenses I will give you a discount rate on twisting if you wish to hire me for the event!
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • Hardly a charity event, but prior to June 1 of this year the "gaming" age in Arizona was 18, the drinking age 21. There's obviously alcohol in a "gaming center" and there were 18 year olds all over the place. What about restaurants? I don't know that the charity aspect has anything to do with it. State law is state law. If you're under 21 you can't drink, no matter how much alcohol surrounds you.

    Now, if someone doesn't want to on the responsibility of underage people at a function where alcohol is available, especially if it's a hosted bar, that's another story.
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