Safety Inspections

I'm looking for a video that teaches employees how to identify safety violations/concerns in the workplace. Does anyone have any suggestions on locating such a video.



  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Couple of things Robert. Your insurance company can probably help you. Before you put an inspection system in place make sure you have a system in place for correcting the deficiencies that are found. Not even discussing the liability associated with identifying unsafe conditions and not correcting them, what it does to morale is significant.
    The National Safety Council, [url][/url] has a Safety Management for Small Business facilitator kit for $145.00 that covers Regulatory compliance, Safety inspections, Incident reporting and investigation,OSHA recordkeeping requirements. I have not ever seen this particular kit but it should be decent.
    Also OSHA has a consultation service where they come in and will help you. They will not fine you, but you must fix unsafe conditions they find. It is free. Here is their info:
    WISCONSIN (Safety)
    Wisconsin Department of Commerce
    Bureau of Marketing, Advocacy & Technology Development
    Bureau of Manufacturing & Assessment
    141 NW Barstow Street
    Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188-3789
    (262) 512-5062 or Toll Free: 1-800-947-0553
    (262) 521-5369 FAX
    E-mail: [email][/email]
    Website: [url][/url]

    I hope this helps.
    My $0.02 worth,
    DJ The Balloonman
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