paid vacation only with doctor's note

As a result of part-time employee going through emotional stress due to a recent demotion, we agreed to give her a week off so she can rest and take care of herself. Furthermore, we agreed to pay her 3 days’ worth of work to help her with her financials. However, in the “request for vacation form”, it also stipulates that the employee will seek medical assistance during that week, and update us in order to further accommodate her.

We just found out that the employee will not see a doctor during the week. Are we still entitled to pay her the 3 days since she will not see a doctor?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Kind of a convoluted question: Is this vacation time that she had coming? Is this additional time that you granted her with stipulations attached? At any rate, if she agreed to see the doctor as a condition of receiving the pay or time off at this particular time, I don't think you have an obligation to pay her. I would check with her as to the reason she didn't see the doctor: maybe she couldn't get an appointment??
  • If you have the agreement in writing, with her signature, stating that as a condition of receivng the pay that she seeks medical treament and she fails to do so, I wouldn't pay her for the time. She did not fulfill the obligations of the agreement. Make sure, however, that it's not as Hunter said and that she did seek treatment but was unable to get an appointment.
  • Sounds like she is not going to see a doctor, as in the future. You just found out she WILL NOT see a doctor. Call her in and clarify that she will not be paid unless she does meet the terms of the agreement. If she does not, don't pay her. Or, in fact, if she says she is not going to, consider cancelling the whole agreement altogether.
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