URGENT QUESTION - Employee Theft and Lie-Detector Test

An employee at one of our agencies (private) has been strongly suspected of theft of some type of company property. The employer called the police who conducted an ivestigation, and are now requiring to perform a lie-detector/polygraph test. I have read the whole act thoroughly, but I'm still a bit unclear about this third party being involved, and the actions the employer can take after the test is performed by the third party.
Since it is the police that is requiring it and not the employer, is the administration of the test, by the investigator from the police department allowed/legal? And if it turns out positive, can the employer then terminate the employee based on the findings of the final police report, including of course those test results??
Since it is the police that is requiring it and not the employer, is the administration of the test, by the investigator from the police department allowed/legal? And if it turns out positive, can the employer then terminate the employee based on the findings of the final police report, including of course those test results??
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman