Virus alert!

This latest e-mail virus has a sinister twist to it. Our e-mail system isn't infected, but several people have received infected e-mail messages that LOOK LIKE they're from us even though they're not. If you receive suspicious e-mail that claims to be from me or Christy or Customer Service, delete it.

Here's why this virus is a pain. Let's say Don's computer gets infected. His computer e-mails the virus to Paul, but the e-mail looks like it came from me. Or it e-mails the virus to Christy, but it looks like it came from Paul. Sneaky. Here's a more detailed explanation if you're interested:

Earlier today, infected computers across the country were e-mailing the virus to me at a rate of one every 10 seconds. Now it's slowed down to less than one per minute. I guess that's the price of popularity. (Hah!)

James Sokolowski


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