More HIPAA Information

I recently received documentation from an attorney that specializes in HIPAA. This document states that any PHI that is not obtained or transmitted electronically is not covered by HIPAA. The document also stated that plan sponsors that do not send or receive PHI electronically are not covered under HIPAA. The document went on to say that the only things a plan sponsor needs to do is sign business agreements, amend SPDs and obtain authorization forms from the plan providers them selves. I just thought I would share with my fellow forumanites.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Hi scottorr,
    That's exactly the same advice I received from our employment attorney earlier this year, before the HIPAA deadline. Since we have no self insured plans and don't transmit any PHI electronically, all we did was request letters from our vendors regarding their compliance with HIPAA and have filed them accordingly.
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