Vacation Policy Part-Time Employees

I have been given the task of drafting a policy for a non profit agency for dealing with part-time employees who are not eligible for paid vacation benefits, but are eligible for unpaid time off (for vacation purposes), and obviously need to have guidance on methods of requesting/scheduling this type of time off. They have a policy for all the other types of time off under Federal/State laws, but not one specifically for this type of situation only affecting their part-time employees needing to schedule unpaid vacation time.

Any suggestions?



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Okay - here's our entire vacation policy - our Policy for Part Time employees is outlined in the second to the last paragraph.

    Vacation is an important tool for good Company morale, and the Company therefore encourages each employee to take off all vacation hours earned. We do not allow anyone to substitute a cash-payment for this time off, except under certain circumstances. Ask the Human Resources Manager for additional information on the Vacation Cash-out option. Employees must have worked for the Company for 1 year before any vacation will be accrued. We grant paid vacation to all full time employees on the basis of length of service as follows:

    · Completed 1 year 40 hours
    · Completed 3 years 80 hours
    · Completed 5 years 120 hours

    The qualifying date is the anniversary of each employee’s first full working day. Vacation time must be taken during the year in which it is granted, which is the year between anniversary dates. Vacation days may not be accumulated from year to year. Vacation days not used during the year will be lost. If the demands of the Company interfere with scheduled vacations, management may make an exception to this policy.

    Vacation must be planned and approved in advance, by management. (Fill out a Time-Off Request form, and give to your Lead/Manager at least one month in advance.) Vacations will be scheduled based on: 1) production schedules, 2) employee capabilities, and 3) amount of notice given (the more the better).

    Employees, who are not full time and therefore do not "earn” vacation days, will be allowed to schedule unpaid vacation under the same rules as full time employees.

    Persons leaving the Company will be paid for any unused vacation balance granted on their last anniversary date, unless the employee was terminated for misconduct. No vacation time will be granted for a partial year of employment.

  • I wish I could offer some help to you Ana, but we do not address vacation time for our part time employee. We feel that as long as they clear the time off in advance with their supervisor they can take off as much time as they want - within reason of course.
  • Ana: As you know, vacation is not addresses at the federal level and I don't know of any state that requires it either. The places where I have worked in the past in the private sector and public sector did not have any type of pro-rata days off without pay for part timers but they were given time away from work if the supervisor could spare them. However, the part timers' schedules could be adjusted on occasion to accommodate their request for unpaid absence. I don't think I would address this in a policy since one of the primary reasons for having part time positions is the avoidance of benefits and the maximum utilization of part timers when they are there.
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